PM doesn't know his (bleep) from a hole in the ground

I have the following one-minute statement today (June 6th) in the House of Commons. 

Mr. Speaker,

This past Sunday (June 3rd) a Town Hall was held in my riding to discuss the Conservative Trojan Horse budget bill, which is going over like a lead weight in Newfoundland and Labrador.

I’ve put together a Top 5 list of the best quotes from the day.

No. 5 quote, re the cuts to DFO and the Canadian Coast Guard:

“It will come to the point where a mariner will be asked, ‘Are you up to your neck in water yet? No, alright you’re good, call back when it gets there.’ ”

No. 4 quote re the attack on Atlantic Canada:

“Perhaps we’re paranoid, but that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get us.”

No. 3 quote re the cuts to environmental legislation:

“Less science equals less knowledge. It’s basically like driving with the lights off.”

No. 2 quote:

“This Prime Minister isn’t my Prime Minister, he’s the CEO of corporate Canada and his cabinet are the board of directors.

And the No. 1 quote from the Town Hall in my riding regarding the Trojan Horse budget bill:

“The Prime Minister doesn’t know his arse from a hole in the ground.”

I apologized after Question Period for my use of unparliamentary language in regards to the use of the word “arse.” As I told the Speaker, “We Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have a colourful language and I have to remind myself where to use it.”


FredfromCBS said…
Ryan, I only heard a "quote" of somebody else who said "arse"... hehe
Craig Scott said…
Nice Ryan, not only does he not know his arse from a hole in the ground but he doesn't know a hole in the ground from the hole in his head.

I have been a conservative supporter for a number of years now, ever since the sponsorship scandal. But this PM and the policies of this government are too much. I don't know if I am ready to move to the NDP and may never be but I like what you are doing federally.

Keep up the good work.


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