Spanish trawler cited for illegal fishing on Grand Banks

The Spanish fishing trawler Patricia Sotelo has been cited for illegal fishing on the Grand Banks. 
The vessel — which had more redfish on board than was recorded in the skipper’s logbook — was ordered back to a Spanish port for inspection. 
The fishing infraction was recorded on June 25, but only made public by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans in early August. 
DFO takes its sweet time. 
But then it’s only fish. 
Under rules of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (which monitors fishing on the high seas outside Canada's 200-mile limit), it’s up to the home country of a vessel charged with illegal fishing to follow through with prosecution. 
DFO never releases information on the penalties (if any) imposed by a foreign country against one of its fishing trawlers for fear it may jeopardize international relations. 

Which take precedence over NL relations.
Of course, Spain in a member country of the European Union, and while the EU accuses Canada of being inhumane to seals and banned the importation of Canadian seal products, it has picked the Grand Banks clean of fish.

The Canadian flight crews that carry out surveillance over the Banks call foreign trawlers LCBs. 

Which stands for Lyin' Cheatin' Bastards. 


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