Why are lobster prices lower in Newfoundland?
The answer should boil the blood of every NL lobster harvester: the answer isn’t known, because fish processors/buyers won’t say. That’s right, the province’s Fish Price Setting Panel said this past week that “overall prices to harvesters in other jurisdictions were somewhat higher than in Newfoundland,” but in the absence of information from processors, who the hell knows. Some of the price differential has to do with transportations costs. Newfoundland processors are also the only buyers in Atlantic Canada to pay workers comp, and EI benefits on top of wharf prices. But all those costs don’t come close to the as much as $3-$5 a pound price difference between what's paid to NL harvesters, and mainland harvesters. At the same time, Newfoundland lobster are the best on the market — two-clawed, with hard shells and high meat content. Another example of NL fishermen being under the thumb of the merchant (like snow crab), and another example (like snow crab) of how the ...