‘Compelling’ evidence Canadian fish management ‘dysfunctional’
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans met in St. John’s Monday as part of its study on northern cod. But the same committee ALSO did a report on northern cod 11 years ago. Find the report here. Nothing had changed since then. Direct quotes from the 2005 report: “The Committee has the clear impression that, from DFO’s perspective, cod is no longer a priority. In other words, since the cod have almost vanished, there is no point in studying them anymore.” ••• “We believe that the root cause lies in a lack of vision and long-term planning. Not dealing with foreign overfishing, re-opening of the inshore fishery in 1998 at unsustainable levels, and not recognizing sooner the size of the seal herds each contributed to the lack of recovery of the northern cod stocks.” ••• “While DFO, as the body responsible for managing the fisheries, had the critical role in this disaster, it was often under pressure from fishermen, coastal communities, ...