Conservative crime bill will punish poverty; change country
I gave the following speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Nov. 29 th , against Bill C-10, the Conservative omnibus crime bill. Mr. Speaker, I stand in the House today in opposition to Bill C-10 , the omnibus crime bill. As I stated in a September speech in this House, I do not stand in opposition to every part of the bill. Indeed, some parts of Bill C-10 are worthwhile. As a father, I have no objection to protecting children against pedophiles and sexual predators, of course not, even though the Conservative government would have people believe otherwise. That is the rub with Bill C-10 , which throws so many pieces of legislation, nine bills, aboard the one bus, aboard the one omnibus bill. I may agree with coming down hard on pedophiles, but I do not agree with filling prisons with people who probably should not be there, like the student who gets caught with six marijuana plants. What will throwing that student in jail do for him or her, or for society in general besides costi...