'Stop wasting money on cages and start spending it on hospital beds and textbooks'
I gave the following speech today (Sept. 27th) in the House of Commons. Mr. Speaker, I stand today in opposition to Bill C-10 — the Omnibus Crime Bill. I do not stand in opposition to every part of the bill. Indeed, some parts of Bill C-10 are worthwhile. As a father, Mr. Speaker, I have no objection with protecting children against pedophiles and sexual predators. Of course not. Even though the Conservatives may have you believe otherwise. But then that’s the rub with Bill C-10, which throws so many pieces of legislation (9 bills), aboard the one bus. The one omni bus bill. I may agree with coming down hard on pedophiles, but I don’t agree with filling prisons with people who probably shouldn’t be there — like the student who gets caught with some marijuana plants. What will throwing that student in jail do for him or her, or for society in general? Besides costing us a fortune in new human cages. My answer, Mr. Speaker, is nothing — it will do absolutely nothi...