Attention NL visionaries: please step forward
Newfoundland and Labrador has lost its vision. Technically, it’s Danny Williams’ vision that’s been lost — not ours. No difference — blind is blind when you’re wandering in the political marsh. Say what you will about DW’s dream: he left NL a better place than he found it, and not all 8 premiers before him could say that. As usual, however, we’re not quite there yet — poised for something just out of reach. God knows what that something might be. Greatness maybe. But we could just as easily revert back to our former status as the world’s “ most vast and scenic welfare ghetto .” Newfies every one. It’s a scary spot, economic limbo. If more oil isn’t found the revenue taps will start losing pressure in 7 years. Mind you, the Tory administration has been desperate for another discovery. The province took the risk and allowed ultra-deep water drilling to continue last year off Newfoundland — the only region in North America to continue the practice after the Dee...